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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, 2G, I, N, O and S

ANAGOGIESanagogies n. Plural of anagogy.
ANAGOGY n. a spiritual, mystical, or allegorical interpretation, also ANAGOGE.
BOGGINESSbogginess n. The state or quality of being boggy.
BOGGINESS n. the state of being boggy.
DOGGINESSdogginess n. The state or quality of being doggy.
DOGGINESS n. being like a dog.
EASYGOINGeasygoing adj. (Of a person) calm, relaxed, casual and informal.
easygoing adj. (Of a journey or pace) unhurried.
easy-going adj. Alternative spelling of easygoing.
EGOTISINGegotising v. Present participle of egotise.
EGOTISE v. to talk about oneself a lot, also EGOTIZE.
FOGGINESSfogginess n. The characteristic or quality of being foggy.
FOGGINESS n. the state of being foggy.
GEOGENIESgeogenies n. Plural of geogeny.
GEOGENY n. the science of the formation of the earth's crust, also GEOGONY.
GEOGNOSISgeognosis n. Knowledge of the Earth.
GEOGNOSIS n. knowledge of the earth.
GEOGONIESgeogonies n. Plural of geogony.
GEOGONY n. the theory of the formation of the earth.
GINGEROUSgingerous adj. Of a ginger or reddish colour.
GINGEROUS adj. (Dickens) sandy, reddish.
GORGERINSgorgerins n. Plural of gorgerin.
GORGERIN n. (French) a part of a column.
GORGONISEgorgonise v. Alternative form of gorgonize.
GORGONISE v. to have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on, to petrify, also GORGONIZE.
GOSTERINGGOSTER v. (dialect) to laugh uncontrollably.
ROGERINGSrogerings n. Plural of rogering.
ROGERING n. the act of rogering.
SODGERINGSODGER v. to soldier.
SOGGINESSsogginess n. The property of being soggy.
SOGGINESS n. the state of being soggy.
SOOGEEINGsoogeeing v. Present participle of soogee.
SOOGEE v. to clean a ship's deck with a solution of soap, soda etc., also SOOGIE, SOOJEY, SUJEE.
SOOGIEINGsoogieing v. Present participle of soogie.
SOOGIE v. to clean a ship's deck with a solution of soap, soda etc., also SOOGEE, SOOJEY, SUJEE.
SPONGEINGSPONGE v. to wipe with absorbent material, also SPUNGE.
VOGUEINGSVOGUEING n. performing to pop music, also VOGUING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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