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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing E, F, M, O, R, S and T

AFTERMOSTaftermost adj. (Nautical) Nearest the stern of a vessel.
aftermost adj. (Obsolete) Most recent.
aftermost adv. (Obsolete) At the very back.
FATHOMERSfathomers n. Plural of fathomer.
FATHOMER n. one who fathoms.
FIRESTORMfirestorm n. A fire whose intensity is greatly increased by inrushing winds.
firestorm n. (Figurative) An intense or violent altercation.
fire-storm n. Alternative form of firestorm.
FOMENTERSfomenters n. Plural of fomenter.
FOMENTER n. one who foments.
FOREMASTSforemasts n. Plural of foremast.
fore-masts n. Plural of fore-mast.
FOREMAST n. the forward mast of a ship.
FORETIMESforetimes n. Plural of foretime.
FORETIME n. the past; the time before the present.
FORMIATESFORMIATE n. a salt of formic acid.
MORTIFIESmortifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mortify.
MORTIFY v. to humiliate.
MORTSAFESmortsafes n. Plural of mortsafe.
MORTSAFE n. a heavy iron cage placed over the grave of a newly buried person to deter body snatchers.
REFORMATSreformats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reformat.
REFORMAT v. to change the format.
REFORMISTreformist adj. Advocating reform of an institution or body.
reformist adj. Specifically, advocating reform and the gradual accumulation of small changes, as opposed to revolutionary action.
reformist n. One who advocates reform (of an institution).
RESTIFORMrestiform adj. (Anatomy) Formed like a rope; applied especially to several rope-like bundles or masses of fibres on…
RESTIFORM adj. cordlike.
SEPTIFORMseptiform adj. Having the form of a septum.
septiform adj. Having seven parts; sevenfold.
SEPTIFORM adj. shaped like a partition.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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