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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing E, F, L, N, O, R and T

FRONTLESSfrontless adj. Lacking a front.
frontless adj. Shameless, impudent.
FRONTLESS adj. shameless, brazen.
FRONTLETSfrontlets n. Plural of frontlet.
FRONTLET n. a forehead ornament worn as a phylacteric, defending against disease.
FRONTLINEfrontline adj. (Military) Located at a front.
frontline adj. Most advanced or important.
frontline n. Alternative spelling of front line.
FROSTLINEfrostline n. Alternative form of frost line.
frost␣line n. The depth to which the water present in the soil is expected to freeze in winter.
frost␣line n. The depth to which the water present in the soil is actually frozen in a given place at a given point in time.
INFLECTORinflector n. (Linguistics) An affix that inflects the base form of a word.
inflector n. (Physics) A device for bending a particle beam.
inflector n. (Anatomy) A muscle that contracts to cause a part of the body to curve inwards.
INTERFLOWinterflow v. (Intransitive) To flow between.
interflow v. (Transitive, of fluids) To merge or mingle.
interflow n. A flowing between two or more entities.
INTERFOLDinterfold v. (Transitive, intransitive) To fold one into another; fold together.
INTERFOLD v. to fold together or within each other.
LAKEFRONTlakefront adj. Adjacent to a lake. Usually used to describe real estate.
lakefront n. Land or an area which is adjacent to a lake.
LAKEFRONT n. the front of a lake.
LENTIFORMlentiform adj. Shaped like a lens.
LENTIFORM adj. shaped like a lens.
PROFLUENTprofluent adj. Flowing smoothly as if in a stream.
PROFLUENT adj. (Milton) flowing out or onwards.
REFLATIONreflation n. (Economics) The act of restoring a deflated general level of prices to a previous or desired level.
REFLATION n. an increase in amount of economic activity and spending.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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