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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, F, I, P, R, S and U

FIREPLUGSfireplugs n. Plural of fireplug.
FIREPLUG n. a fire-hydrant.
FRUMPIESTfrumpiest adj. Superlative form of frumpy: most frumpy.
FRUMPY adj. ill-dressed or dowdy.
FURPIECESFURPIECE n. an item of clothing made out of fur.
PERFUSINGperfusing v. Present participle of perfuse.
PERFUSE v. to diffuse through or over.
PERFUSIONperfusion n. The act of perfusing.
perfusion n. (Medicine) The introduction of a drug or nutrients through the bloodstream in order to reach an internal…
PERFUSION n. the act of perfusing.
PERFUSIVEperfusive adj. Tending to flow over, or to spread through.
PERFUSIVE adj. of a nature to flow over, or to spread through.
PRAISEFULpraiseful adj. Praiseworthy.
praiseful adj. Full of praise for others.
PRAISEFUL adj. praiseworthy.
PROFUSIVEprofusive adj. (Obsolete) profuse; lavish; prodigal.
PROFUSIVE adj. profuse, also PROFUSE.
PUFFERIESpufferies n. Plural of puffery.
PUFFERY n. excessive public praise.
PURIFIERSpurifiers n. Plural of purifier.
PURIFIER n. one that purifies.
PUTREFIESputrefies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of putrefy.
PUTREFY v. to make or become putrid.
SPRITEFULspriteful adj. Obsolete spelling of sprightful.
SPRITEFUL adj. impish.
STUPEFIERstupefier n. Someone or something that stupefies.
STUPEFIER n. something that stupefies.
SUPERFINEsuperfine adj. Extremely subtle or refined; extremely sensitive to slight impressions or perceptions.
superfine adj. Extremely refined or sophisticated; very elegant.
superfine adj. Having an especially fine size or texture; made of very small particles or threads.
SUPERFIRMsuperfirm n. An especially large and successful firm (business concern).
SUPERFIRM n. a large firm.
SUPERWAIFsuperwaif n. (Informal) A waiflike supermodel.
SUPERWAIF n. an extremely thin and childlike young fashion model.
SUPERWIFEsuperwife n. (Informal) A married woman who shows remarkable skill and stamina in managing a career, children, housework, etc.
SUPERWIFE n. an exceptional wife who combines a career with running a home.
UPLIFTERSuplifters n. Plural of uplifter.
UPLIFTER n. one who uplifts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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