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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, F, I, M, O and 2R

CONFIRMERconfirmer n. One who confirms something.
CONFIRMER n. one who confirms, also CONFIRMOR.
ERUCIFORMeruciform adj. Shaped like a caterpillar.
ERUCIFORM adj. like a caterpillar.
FIREROOMSfirerooms n. Plural of fireroom.
FIREROOM n. a room containing a ship's boilers.
FIRESTORMfirestorm n. A fire whose intensity is greatly increased by inrushing winds.
firestorm n. (Figurative) An intense or violent altercation.
fire-storm n. Alternative form of firestorm.
FIREWORMSfireworms n. Plural of fireworm.
FIREWORM n. a glowworm; a firefly.
INFORMERSinformers n. Plural of informer.
INFORMER n. one that informs.
MORTIFIERmortifier n. One who, or that which, mortifies.
MORTIFIER n. one who mortifies.
PERCIFORMperciform adj. Of or pertaining to any of very many fish, of the order Perciformes, that have fin spines, a swim bladder…
perciform n. Such a fish.
PERCIFORM n. a perch-like fish.
PREINFORMPREINFORM v. to inform in advance.
RECONFIRMreconfirm v. To confirm again; to establish more firmly.
reconfirm v. (Aviation, travel, dated) To advise an airline of your intention to use a reservation, or risk cancellation.
RECONFIRM v. to confirm anew.
REFORMINGreforming v. Present participle of reform.
reforming n. Reformation.
reforming n. (Chemistry) A catalytic process, whereby short-chain molecules are combined to make larger ones; used…
REFORMISMreformism n. Any of several movements that promote reform.
REFORMISM n. any doctrine or movement advocating gradual social and political change within a democratic framework rather than revolutionary change.
REFORMISTreformist adj. Advocating reform of an institution or body.
reformist adj. Specifically, advocating reform and the gradual accumulation of small changes, as opposed to revolutionary action.
reformist n. One who advocates reform (of an institution).
REINFORMSreinforms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reinform.
REINFORM v. to inform again.
RESTIFORMrestiform adj. (Anatomy) Formed like a rope; applied especially to several rope-like bundles or masses of fibres on…
RESTIFORM adj. cordlike.
SERRIFORMserriform adj. (Biology) notched, as the blade of a saw.
SERRIFORM adj. resembling a notched or sawlike edge.
TRIFORMEDtriformed adj. Having a threefold form.
TRIFORMED adj. having a triple form, also TRIFORM.
UNIFORMERuniformer adj. Comparative form of uniform: more uniform.
UNIFORM adj. consistent.
VERMIFORMvermiform adj. In the shape of a worm.
VERMIFORM adj. having the form of a worm e.g. vermiform appendix.
VERSIFORMversiform adj. (Obsolete) Various in form.
VERSIFORM adj. varying in form.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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