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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2E, O, P, R, T and Y

AEROPHYTEaerophyte n. (Biology) epiphyte.
AEROPHYTE n. a plant obtaining all its nourishment from the air; an epiphyte.
CEROTYPEScerotypes n. Plural of cerotype.
CEROTYPE n. a process of engraving using wax.
DECEPTORYdeceptory adj. Deceptive.
DECEPTORY adj. tending to deceive, also DECEPTIVE.
DEPLETORYdepletory adj. Serving to deplete.
DEPLETORY adj. serving to deplete, also DEPLETIVE.
EPEOLATRYepeolatry n. (Very rare) The worship of words.
EPEOLATRY n. the worship of words.
EXPLETORYexpletory adj. Serving to fill up; expletive; superfluous.
EXPLETORY adj. serving to fill up; supplementary; as, an expletory word.
FERROTYPEferrotype n. An early photographic process in which the image is made on an iron plate having a sensitized surface film.
ferrotype n. A photograph produced by this means.
ferrotype v. To take a ferrotype photograph.
OVERTYPEDovertyped v. Simple past tense and past participle of overtype.
OVERTYPE v. to type over the top of.
OVERTYPESovertypes n. Plural of overtype.
overtypes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overtype.
OVERTYPE v. to type over the top of.
PETROGENYpetrogeny n. The science of the origin of rocks.
PETROGENY n. the study of the origin of rocks.
POLYESTERpolyester n. Any polymer whose monomers are linked together by ester bonds.
polyester n. A material or fabric made from polyester polymer.
polyester adj. Of, or consisting of polyesters.
PROSELYTEproselyte n. One who has converted to a religion or doctrine, especially a gentile converted to Judaism.
proselyte v. (Transitive) To proselytize.
PROSELYTE n. a convert, esp. to Jewish faith.
PYROMETERpyrometer n. A thermometer designed to measure high temperatures.
pyrometer n. An instrument for measuring the thermal expansion of solids.
PYROMETER n. an instrument for measuring very high temperatures.
REPERTORYrepertory n. A repertoire.
repertory n. A collection of things, or a place where such a collection is kept.
repertory n. A specific set of works that a company performs.
SEROTYPEDserotyped v. Simple past tense and past participle of serotype.
serotyped adj. Characterised by serotype.
SEROTYPE v. to classify according to the composition of antigens.
SEROTYPESserotypes n. Plural of serotype.
SEROTYPE v. to classify according to the composition of antigens.
TYPEWROTEtypewrote v. Simple past tense of typewrite.
TYPEWRITE v. to write on a typewriter.
XEROPHYTExerophyte n. (Botany) Any plant suited for life in a habitat where water is scarce, such as in a desert or chaparral…
xerophyte n. A desert plant.
XEROPHYTE n. a plant thriving in desert conditions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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