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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing 2E, 2N, O, T and U

BOUTONNEEBOUTONNEE adj. (French) reserved, reticent (of a female).
BUTEONINEbuteonine n. (Ornithology) Any bird in the accipitrid subfamily Buteoninae.
BUTEONINE adj. like a buzzard.
BUTEONINE n. a bird of the buzzard family.
ENCOUNTERencounter v. (Transitive) To meet (someone) or find (something), especially unexpectedly.
encounter v. (Transitive) To confront (someone or something) face to face.
encounter v. (Transitive, intransitive) To engage in conflict, as with an enemy.
ENGOUMENTengoument n. Alternative form of engouement.
ENGOUMENT n. (French) an excessive fondness, an infatuation, also ENGOUEMENT.
MOUTONNEEMOUTONNEE adj. (French) of a rock, rounded by the action of a glacier.
NEOTENOUSneotenous adj. Exhibiting retention of juvenile characteristics in the adult.
neotenous adj. (Informal) Babyfaced.
NEOTENOUS adj. exhibiting neoteny, retention of infantile or juvenile characteristics into adulthood, also NEOTENIC.
UNDERNOTEundernote n. (Music) A low or subdued note, such as a drone, that forms a background to the melody.
undernote n. An undertone.
UNDERNOTE n. a subdued note; an undertone.
UNDERTONEundertone n. An auditory tone of low pitch or volume.
undertone n. An implicit message perceived subtly alongside, but not detracting noticeably from, the explicit message…
undertone n. A pale colour, or one seen underneath another colour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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