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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2E, M, P, 2S and T

DEMPSTERSdempsters n. Plural of dempster.
DEMPSTER n. (Scots) formerly in Scotland, an officer who repeated the sentence after the judge, also DEEMSTER, DOOMSMAN, DOOMSTER.
EMPTINESSemptiness n. The state or feeling of being empty.
emptiness n. A void; a nothingness; something lacking existence.
emptiness n. A nonexistence; a lack of existence.
EPISTOMESepistomes n. Plural of epistome.
EPISTOME n. a structure over the mouth of some invertebrates.
EPSOMITESepsomites n. Plural of epsomite.
EPSOMITE n. a mineral, native sulphate of magnesia or Epsom salt.
IMPETUSESimpetuses n. Plural of impetus.
IMPETUS n. (Latin) the force or energy with which a body moves.
PASSEMENTpassement n. Lace, brocade, braid etc., sewed on a garment.
PASSEMENT n. (French) a decorative trimming of beads or braid, also PASSAMENT, PASSEMENTERIE, PASSMENT.
PASSEMENT v. to trim with braid.
PIPESTEMSpipestems n. Plural of pipestem.
PIPESTEM n. the stem of a tobacco pipe.
SEMPSTERSsempsters n. Plural of sempster.
SEMPSTER n. a person who sews.
SEPIMENTSsepiments n. Plural of sepiment.
SEPIMENT n. (Latin) a hedge, fence, barrier.
STAMPEDESstampedes n. Plural of stampede.
STAMPEDE v. to send rushing in panic, also STAMPEDO.
STEPDAMESstepdames n. Plural of stepdame.
STEPDAME n. a stepmother.
SUPREMESTsupremest adj. Superlative form of supreme: most supreme.
SUPREME adj. highest, greatest.
TEMPTRESStemptress n. An alluring woman who seduces or exploits men.
temptress n. A woman considered sexually attractive by men.
TEMPTRESS n. a female tempter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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