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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2E, L, 2N, O and S

ALONENESSaloneness n. The state of being alone; solitude, isolation.
ALONENESS n. the state of being alone.
CENTONELScentonels n. Plural of centonel.
CENTONEL n. (Spenser) a sentinel or sentry, also CENTINEL, CENTINELL, CENTONELL, SENTINEL.
ENNOBLERSennoblers n. Plural of ennobler.
ENNOBLER n. one who ennobles.
EOLIENNESeoliennes n. Plural of eolienne.
EOLIENNE n. (French) a fine dress fabric of silk and wool.
INNERSOLEinnersole n. An insole; a cushioning layer lining the inside bottom of a shoe or boot.
INNERSOLE n. an insole.
INSOLENCEinsolence n. Arrogant conduct; insulting, bold behaviour or attitude.
insolence n. Insolent conduct or treatment; insult.
insolence n. (Obsolete) The quality of being unusual or novel.
LIMONENESlimonenes n. Plural of limonene.
LIMONENE n. a liquid terpene found in lemon, orange, and other essential oils.
NINEHOLESnineholes n. (Archaic) An old game where players bowl a ball towards nine holes in the ground or a board, scoring…
NINEHOLES n. a game in which nine holes are made in the ground, into which a ball is bowled.
NOBLENESSnobleness n. The quality or state of being noble; nobility or grandeur.
NOBLENESS n. the state of being noble.
NONELECTSnonelects n. Plural of nonelect.
NONELECT n. those not chosen for salvation.
NONSELVESnonselves n. Plural of nonself.
non-selves n. Plural of non-self.
NONSELF n. something that is not the self.
PENONCELSpenoncels n. Plural of penoncel.
PENONCEL n. a small flag like a pennon, also PENNONCEL, PENNONCELLE, PENONCELLE.
PERSONNELpersonnel n. Collection of people in an organization, such as employees and office staff, members of the military, etc.
personnel n. (Uncountable) A human resources department.
PERSONNEL n. the persons employed in any service.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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