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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2E, I, 2P, R and T

APPETISERappetiser n. Alternative spelling of appetizer.
APPETISER n. something that whets the appetite, also APPETIZER.
APPETIZERappetizer n. A small, light, and usually savory first course in a meal.
appetizer n. Something that creates or increases excitement for what is to follow.
APPETIZER n. something that whets the appetite, also APPETISER.
EPITAPHERepitapher n. A writer of epitaphs; and epitaphist.
EPITAPHER n. a writer of epitaphs.
PAPERIESTPAPERY adj. resembling paper.
PAPETERIEpapeterie n. (Dated) A case or box containing paper and writing materials.
PAPETERIE n. (French) a stationery-case.
PEPTISERSPEPTISER n. one that peptises, also PEPTIZER.
PEPTIZERSpeptizers n. Plural of peptizer.
PEPTIZER n. one that peptizes, also PEPTISER.
PERIPETIAperipetia n. Alternative form of peripeteia.
PERIPETIA n. (Greek) a sudden and violent change in circumstances, esp. in drama, also PERIPETEIA, PERIPETY.
PERIPTERSperipters n. Plural of peripter.
PERIPTER n. a structure with a row of columns around all sides.
PERIPTERYperiptery n. The region surrounding a moving body, such as the wing of a bird or a gliding aeroplane, within which…
periptery n. (Architecture) A building surrounded by a wing or row of columns.
PERIPTERY n. a peripteral building; the turbulent air around a flying object.
PRECEPITSprecepits n. Plural of precepit.
PRECEPIT n. (Shakespeare) a precipice.
PREPPIESTpreppiest adj. Superlative form of preppy: most preppy.
PREPPY adj. denoting the style and behaviour of preparatory school students.
PULPITEERpulpiteer n. (Derogatory) One who speaks in a pulpit; a preacher.
PULPITEER n. someone who speaks from a pulpit, a preacher, also PULPITER.
PULPITEER v. to preach from a pulpit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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