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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing 2E, I, N, 2T and U

AUSTENITEaustenite n. A solid solution or carbon or ferric carbide in iron that exists in steel at high temperatures.
Austenite n. (Metallurgy) Alternative letter-case form of austenite.
Austenite n. A fan or admirer of Jane Austen; someone who studies the works of Jane Austen.
BUTTERINEbutterine n. An imitation butter prepared from animal fat with other ingredients.
BUTTERINE n. a substance prepared from animal fat with some other ingredients intermixed, as an imitation of butter.
EUTHENISTeuthenist n. One who studies or advocates euthenics.
EUTHENIST n. a student of euthenics, the science concerned with improving living conditions.
FETTUCINEfettucine n. Misspelling of fettuccine.
FETTUCINE n. (Italian) a pasta made in long ribbons, also FETTUCCINE, FETTUCINI.
NUTTERIESnutteries n. Plural of nuttery.
NUTTERY n. an area of nut-trees.
QUINTETTEquintette n. Alternative spelling of quintet A composition for five voices or instruments; also, the set of five…
QUINTETTE n. a composition for five voices or instruments, also QUINTET, QUINTETT.
TENUITIEStenuities n. Plural of tenuity.
TENUITY n. lack of strength.
TEUTONISETeutonise v. Alternative form of Teutonize.
TEUTONISE v. to render German, also TEUTONIZE.
TEUTONIZETeutonize v. (Transitive) To make Teutonic.
Teutonize v. (Intransitive) To become Teutonic.
TEUTONIZE v. to render German, also TEUTONISE.
UNTENTIERUNTENTY adj. (Scots) careless.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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