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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2E, I, M and 3S

DIMNESSESdimnesses n. Plural of dimness.
DIMNESS n. the state of being dim.
EMBASSIESembassies n. Plural of embassy.
EMBASSY n. the offices of an ambassador, also AMBASSY.
IMPRESSESimpresses n. Plural of impress.
impresses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of impress.
IMPRESS v. to fix deeply in the mind.
JESSAMIESjessamies n. Plural of jessamy.
KIRMESSESkirmesses n. Plural of kirmess.
KIRMESS n. (Dutch) in Europe, particularly in Belgium and Holland, an outdoor festival and fair; in the United States, generally an indoor entertainment and fair combined, also KERMESS, KERMIS.
MESPRISESMESPRISE n. (Spenser) scorn, slighting, also MESPRIZE.
MESSIASESMESSIAS n. (Greek) an expected liberator, also MESSIAH.
MESSIEURSmessieurs n. Plural of monsieur.
Messieurs n. Plural of Monsieur.
MONSIEUR n. (French) a French title of courtesy for a man.
MESSINESSmessiness n. The property of being messy.
MESSINESS n. the state of being messy.
MIMESISESMIMESIS n. (Greek) imitation, esp. in literature and art or by an animal of its surroundings, etc.
MISSENSEDMISSENSE v. to sense wrongly.
MISSENSESmissenses n. Plural of missense.
MISSENSE v. to sense wrongly.
MISSTEERSmissteers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of missteer.
MISSTEER v. to steer wrongly.
PREMISSESpremisses n. Plural of premiss.
premisses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of premiss.
PREMISS v. to state or assume.
SEAMINESSseaminess n. The state or condition of being seamy.
SEAMINESS n. the state of being seamy.
SIEMENSESSIEMENS n. a unit of electrical conductance equivalent to one ampere per volt.
SIMPLESSESIMPLESSE n. (Spenser) simplicity.
SMILELESSsmileless adj. Without a smile, unsmiling.
SMILELESS adj. not having a smile.
SYSTEMISEsystemise v. Alternative form of systemize.
SYSTEMISE v. to reduce to a system, also SYSTEMIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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