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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing 2E, I, M, P, S and U

EUPHEMISEeuphemise v. Alternative spelling of euphemize.
EUPHEMISE v. to speak or write (of) euphemistically, also EUPHEMIZE.
EUPHEMISMeuphemism n. (Uncountable) The use of a word or phrase to replace another with one that is considered less offensive…
euphemism n. (Countable) A word or phrase that is used to replace another in this way.
EUPHEMISM n. a figure of rhetoric by which an unpleasant or offensive thing is described or referred to by a milder term.
EUPHEMISTeuphemist n. One who uses euphemisms.
EUPHEMIST n. one who engages in euphemism.
IMPETUSESimpetuses n. Plural of impetus.
IMPETUS n. (Latin) the force or energy with which a body moves.
PERINEUMSperineums n. Plural of perineum.
PERINEUM n. the lower part of the body between the genital organs and the anus, also PERINAEUM.
PLUMERIESplumeries n. Plural of plumery.
PLUMERY n. plumes collectively.
SEMIPLUMEsemiplume n. (Zoology) A feather which has a plumelike web, with the shaft of an ordinary feather.
SEMIPLUME n. a feather with an ordinary shaft but a downy web.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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