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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2E, 2I, N and 2T

ANTIELITEantielite adj. (Sociology) Opposing an elite or elitism.
antielite n. One who is antielite; a proponent of antielitism.
anti-elite adj. Alternative form of antielite.
ENTERITISenteritis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the intestines, generally the small intestine, that may lead to diarrhea.
ENTERITIS n. inflammation of the intestines.
INTENTIVEintentive adj. Paying attention; attentive, heedful.
intentive adj. Intent (Of the mind, thoughts etc.).
intentive adj. (Grammar) Expressing intent.
INTERTIESinterties n. Plural of intertie.
INTERTIE n. a short timber binding together upright posts.
INTESTINEintestine n. (Anatomy, often pluralized) The alimentary canal of an animal through which food passes after having…
intestine n. One of certain subdivisions of this part of the alimentary canal, such as the small or large intestine…
intestine adj. Domestic; taking place within a given country or region.
ITINERATEitinerate v. (Intransitive) To travel from place to place, especially to preach or lecture.
ITINERATE v. to wander without a settled habitation; to travel from place or on a circuit, particularly for the purpose of preaching, lecturing, etc.
KITTENIERKITTENY adj. like a kitten.
MIDINETTEmidinette n. A female salesperson, a shopgirl, especially in Paris.
midinette n. A vacuous but fashionable young woman.
midinette n. A type of miniature climbing rose.
NINETIETHninetieth adj. The ordinal form of the number ninety.
ninetieth n. The person or thing in the ninetieth position.
ninetieth n. One of ninety equal parts of a whole.
RETINITESretinites n. Plural of retinite.
RETINITE n. an inflammable mineral resin, usually of a yellowish brown color, found in roundish masses, sometimes with coal.
TENSITIEStensities n. Plural of tensity.
TENSITY n. the state of being tense.
TENUITIEStenuities n. Plural of tenuity.
TENUITY n. lack of strength.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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