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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing 2E, 2I, N, P and T

DESIPIENTdesipient adj. Foolish; silly; trifling.
DESIPIENT adj. playing the fool; trifling.
EPIGENISTepigenist n. A proponent of epigenesis.
EPIGENIST n. one who studies the gradual development of the embryo.
EXCIPIENTexcipient n. (Pharmacy, pharmacology) An ingredient that is intentionally added to a drug for purposes other than…
excipient n. An exceptor.
excipient adj. Taking an exception.
INCEPTIVEinceptive adj. Beginning; of or relating to inception.
inceptive adj. (Grammar) Aspectually inflected to show that the action is beginning.
inceptive n. (Grammar) An inceptive construction.
PANEITIESPANEITY n. the state of being bread.
PENNINITEPENNINITE n. a mineral of the chlorite group, also PENNINE.
PETHIDINEpethidine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound used as a painkilling drug, especially for women in labor.
PETHIDINE n. a pain-relieving drug used in childbirth, etc.
PIGEONITEpigeonite n. (Mineralogy) Any monoclinic pyroxene that is a mixed calcium, magnesium and ferrous silicate.
PIGEONITE n. a monoclinic mineral of the pyroxene group.
PREINVITEPREINVITE v. to invite beforehand.
PTERIDINEpteridine n. (Organic chemistry) A bicyclic aromatic heterocycle consisting of fused pyrimidine and pyrazine rings.
PTERIDINE n. any member of a genus of ferns that includes bracken.
RECIPIENTrecipient n. One who receives.
recipient n. (Medicine) An individual receiving donor organs or tissues.
recipient n. (Chemistry) The portion of an alembic or other still in which the distilled liquid is collected.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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