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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2E, H, O, S, T and U

BESHOUTEDbeshouted v. Simple past tense and past participle of beshout.
BESHOUT v. to shout at.
ETHEREOUSethereous adj. (Obsolete) Formed of ether; ethereal.
ethereous adj. (Obsolete, chemistry) Of or resembling ether.
ETHEREOUS adj. (Milton) of or like the ether, also AETHEREAL, ETHEREAL, ETHERIAL.
GATEHOUSEgatehouse n. A lodge besides the entrance to an estate; often the residence of a gatekeeper; also a dwelling formerly…
gatehouse n. (Archaic) A fortified room over the entrance to a castle or over the gate in a city wall.
gatehouse n. A shelter for a gatekeeper.
HOUSEKEPThousekept v. Simple past tense and past participle of housekeep.
HOUSEKEEP v. to keep house.
HOUSEMATEhousemate n. Someone living in the same house.
HOUSEMATE n. one who dwells in the same house with another.
OUTECHOESoutechoes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outecho.
OUTECHO v. to surpass in echoing.
OUTSCHEMEoutscheme v. (Transitive) To surpass in scheming.
OUTSCHEME v. to surpass in scheming.
PENTHOUSEpenthouse n. (Dated or historical) An outhouse or other structure (especially one with a sloping roof) attached to…
penthouse n. An apartment or suite found on an upper floor, or floors, of a tall building, especially one that is…
penthouse n. (Tennis) Any of the sloping roofs at the side of a real tennis court.
PESTHOUSEpesthouse n. An establishment which provides shelter and/or care to sufferers of pestilence or other contagious infections.
PESTHOUSE n. (historical) a house or hospital for persons who are infected with any pestilential disease.
RETOUCHESretouches n. Plural of retouch.
retouches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of retouch.
RETOUCH v. to add new details to.
SOUTHEREDsouthered v. Simple past tense and past participle of souther.
SOUTHER v. to move towards the south.
TEAHOUSESteahouses n. Plural of teahouse.
tea␣houses n. Plural of tea house.
TEAHOUSE n. a public establishment serving tea.
THEACEOUStheaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Theaceae.
THEACEOUS adj. relating to the tea genus of evergreen plants.
TREEHOUSEtreehouse n. A house, or similar structure within a tree, or several trees, built with light materials; wood, bamboo…
tree␣house n. (Chiefly US) a recreational structure built among the branches of a tree.
tree␣house n. A tropical residence built in a tree, or on stilts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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