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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing 2E, H, O, S and 2T

ATHETOSESathetoses n. Plural of athetosis.
ATHETOSIS n. nervous twitching of digits and extremities.
GHETTOISEghettoise v. Alternative spelling of ghettoize.
GHETTOISE v. to confine to a ghetto, also GHETTOIZE.
GOETHITESgoethites n. Plural of goethite.
GOETHITE n. a hydrous oxide of iron, occurring in prismatic crystals, also GOTHITE.
HONESTESThonestest adj. (Nonstandard) superlative form of honest: most honest.
HONEST adj. truthful.
POCHETTESpochettes n. Plural of pochette.
POCHETTE n. (French) a pocket notecase or wallet.
SHOTCRETEshotcrete n. Concrete conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto a surface.
SHOTCRETE n. a type of concrete material commonly known as sprayed concrete, whereby layers of concrete are extruded from a gun or hose to form the required.
TELETHONStelethons n. Plural of telethon.
TELETHON n. an exceptionally long television programme to raise money for a charity or cause.
THERMOSETthermoset n. A thermosetting plastic.
THERMOSET v. of resin or plastic, to set permanently after melting and moulding.
WHETSTONEwhetstone n. A sharpening stone; a hard stone or piece of synthetically bonded hard minerals that has been formed…
whetstone n. (Computing) A benchmark for evaluating the power and performance of a computer.
whetstone n. (Figurative) A stimulant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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