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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2E, H, I, N, P and T

NEPHELITEnephelite n. (Mineralogy) Synonym of nepheline.
NEPHELITE n. a rock-forming mineral, silicate of sodium, potassium and aluminium, colourless, usually crystallizing in hexagonal prisms, also NEPHELINE.
NEPHRITESnephrites n. Plural of nephrite.
NEPHRITE n. a kind of jade used as charm against kidney disease, aka kidney stone.
PETHIDINEpethidine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound used as a painkilling drug, especially for women in labor.
PETHIDINE n. a pain-relieving drug used in childbirth, etc.
PHENACITEphenacite n. (Mineralogy) A clear glassy mineral, a silicate of glucina, occurring in rhombohedral crystals and sometimes…
PHENACITE n. a mineral, beryllium silicate, sometimes deceptively like quartz, also PHENAKITE.
PHENAKITEphenakite n. (Mineralogy) A trigonal-rhombohedral mineral containing beryllium, oxygen, and silicon.
PHENAKITE n. a mineral, beryllium silicate, sometimes deceptively like quartz, also PHENACITE.
PHENETICSphenetics n. (Systematics) A form of numerical systematics in which organisms are grouped based upon the total or…
PHENETICS n. a system of classification of organisms based on observable similarities irrespective of whether or not the organisms are related.
PHENGITESphengites n. Plural of phengite.
PHENGITE n. a transparent stone used in ancient times for windows, probably selenite.
PHONETISEphonetise v. (Transitive, linguistics) To represent by phonetic signs.
PHONETISE v. to represent phonetically, also PHONETICISE, PHONETICIZE, PHONETIZE.
PHONETIZEphonetize v. (Transitive) To represent by phonetic signs.
PHONETIZE v. to represent phonetically, also PHONETICISE, PHONETICIZE, PHONETISE.
PHRENETICphrenetic adj. Dated form of frenetic.
phrenetic n. Dated form of frenetic.
PREHNITESprehnites n. Plural of prehnite.
PREHNITE n. an orthorhombic basic silicate of aluminium and calcium, usually occurring in pale green vitreous masses.
THIOPHENEthiophene n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds containing a ring of four carbon…
THIOPHENE n. a five-membered heterocyclic compound with sulphur, also THIOPHEN.
THREEPINGTHREEP v. (Scots) to dispute, also THREAP.
TREPHINEDtrephined v. Simple past tense and past participle of trephine.
TREPHINE v. to cut holes in the skull with a surgical saw, also TREPAN, TRAPAN.
TREPHINERtrephiner n. A trepanner.
TREPHINER n. a surgeon who uses a trephine.
TREPHINEStrephines n. Plural of trephine.
trephines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of trephine.
TREPHINE v. to cut holes in the skull with a surgical saw, also TREPAN, TRAPAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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