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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing 2E, G, P, R and 2S

ASPERGERSaspergers n. Plural of asperger.
Aspergers n. Plural of Asperger.
Asperger's prop.n. Ellipsis of Asperger’s syndrome.
GOSPELERSgospelers n. Plural of gospeler.
GOSPELER n. one that teaches the gospel, also GOSPELLER.
GRAPELESSgrapeless adj. Without grapes.
grapeless adj. Of wine: lacking the flavour of grapes.
GRAPELESS adj. wanting grapes or the flavor of grapes.
PASSENGERpassenger n. One who rides or travels in a vehicle, but who does not operate it and is not a member of the crew.
passenger n. (Informal, chiefly UK) Somebody in a team who does not do their fair share of the work.
passenger n. (Falconry) A young hunting bird that can fly and is taken while it is still in its first year.
PRESAGERSpresagers n. Plural of presager.
PRESAGER n. one who, or that which, presages.
PRESTIGESprestiges n. Plural of prestige.
PRESTIGE n. charm, magic or glamour in the eyes of other people.
REPASSAGErepassage n. The act of repassing; passage back.
repassage n. The process of passing a second coat of glue as a finish over unburnished surfaces.
REPASSAGE n. the act of repassing; passage back.
SERPIGOESserpigoes n. Plural of serpigo.
SERPIGO n. (Latin) a spreading skin eruption, also SAPEGO, SUPPEAGO.
SPEERINGSspeerings n. Plural of speering.
SPEERINGS n. (Scots) news, also SPEIRINGS.
SUPEREGOSsuperegos n. Plural of superego.
super-egos n. Plural of super-ego.
SUPEREGO n. a part of the psyche.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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