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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 2E, G, 2N, S and T

ANTIGENESantigenes n. Plural of antigene.
ANTIGENE n. a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies, also ANTIGEN.
BENIGNESTbenignest adj. Superlative form of benign: most benign.
BENIGN adj. favourably disposed.
ENTANGLESentangles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of entangle.
ENTANGLE v. to twist together.
ENTERINGSenterings n. Plural of entering.
ENTERING n. the act of entering.
EVENTINGSeventings n. Plural of eventing.
EVENTING n. the act of taking part in riding events.
GENERANTSgenerants n. Plural of generant.
GENERANT n. a line which traces out a figure.
GENISTEINgenistein n. (Biochemistry) A pale yellow isoflavone derivative C15H10O5 originally obtained from dyer’s broom (Genista…
GENISTEIN n. a plant oestrogen found in soya, thought to be effective in fighting cancer.
IGNESCENTignescent adj. Emitting sparks of fire when struck with steel; scintillating.
ignescent n. A stone that emits sparks of fire when struck with steel.
IGNESCENT adj. capable of emitting sparks.
LENGTHENSlengthens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lengthen.
LENGTHEN v. to make longer.
NEWSAGENTnewsagent n. A retail business selling newspapers, magazines, and stationery; a stationer.
newsagent n. The proprietor of such a business.
NEWSAGENT n. one who sells newspapers etc.
RENESTINGrenesting v. Present participle of renest.
RENEST v. to nest again.
RESENTINGresenting v. Present participle of resent.
RESENT v. to feel affront or ill-will.
ROENTGENSroentgens n. Plural of roentgen.
ROENTGEN n. (German) a unit of radiation dosage, also RONTGEN.
STEENINGSsteenings n. Plural of steening.
STEENING n. a stone lining, also STEANING, STEINING.
TANGENCEStangences n. Plural of tangence.
TANGENCE n. the state of being in immediate physical contact, also TANGENCY.
TRANSGENEtransgene n. (Genetics, biotechnology) A gene from one species introduced into the genome of another by transgenesis.
TRANSGENE n. a gene that is transferred from an organism of one species to an organism of another species by genetic engineering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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