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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2E, G, M, N, S and T

AGREMENTSagrements n. Plural of agrement.
agréments n. Plural of agrément.
AGREMENT n. (French) the approval by a state of a diplomatic representative sent to it.
EIGHTSMENeightsmen n. Plural of eightsman.
EIGHTSMAN n. one of a crew or team of eight.
EMERGENTSemergents n. Plural of emergent.
EMERGENT n. an effect produced by a combination of causes but unable to be seen as the sum of their individual effects.
ESTEEMINGesteeming v. Present participle of esteem.
ESTEEM v. to have a high opinion of, also STEEM.
GAZEMENTSGAZEMENT n. (Spenser) a stare, look.
GEMINATESgeminates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of geminate.
GEMINATE v. to arrange in pairs.
GEMSTONESgemstones n. Plural of gemstone.
GEMSTONE n. a precious or semiprecious stone, esp. one cut and polished for setting in jewellery.
MAGNESITEmagnesite n. (Mineralogy) A form of magnesium carbonate, MgCO3, occurring as dolomite (with calcite) but rarely found…
MAGNESITE n. native magnesium carbonate, occurring in white compact or granular masses.
MAGNETISEmagnetise v. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of magnetize.
MAGNETISE v. to make magnetic, also MAGNETIZE.
REGIMENTSregiments n. Plural of regiment.
regiments v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of regiment.
REGIMENT v. to form into military units.
SEGMENTALsegmental adj. Of, relating to, or constructed from segments.
SEGMENTAL adj. relating to, or being, a segment.
SEGMENTEDsegmented v. Simple past tense and past participle of segment.
segmented adj. Having or made of segments.
SEGMENT v. to divide into sections.
SMEETHINGsmeething v. Present participle of smeeth.
SMEETH v. to make smooth.
TEGUMENTSteguments n. Plural of tegument.
TEGUMENT n. the natural covering of an animal or plant body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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