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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2E, F, I, O, R and T

AFORETIMEaforetime adv. (Archaic) In time past; in a former time; formerly.
aforetime adj. (Archaic) Former.
AFORETIME adv. in time past; formerly.
FIRESTONEfirestone n. Iron pyrites, formerly used for striking fire.
firestone n. A flint.
firestone n. A stone which will bear the heat of a furnace without injury; especially applied to the sandstone at…
FOCIMETERfocimeter n. A lensmeter (optician’s instrument).
focimeter n. (Photography, historical) A device that assists in focusing an object in or before a camera; usually…
FOCIMETER n. an instrument for measuring the focal length of a lens, also FOCOMETER.
FOEDERATIfoederati n. Plural of foederatus.
FOEDERATUS n. (Latin) a conquered enemy of Rome; an auxiliary soldier fighting for the Romans.
FORESTINEforestine adj. Of or relating to a forest.
FORESTINE adj. of or like a forest, also FORESTAL, FORESTEAL, FORESTIAL.
FORETIMESforetimes n. Plural of foretime.
FORETIME n. the past; the time before the present.
FORFEITEDforfeited v. Simple past tense and past participle of forfeit.
FORFEIT v. to lose the right to by fault or penalty.
FORFEITERforfeiter n. One who incurs a penalty of forfeiture.
FORFEITER n. (Shakespeare) one who forfeits his land.
FORGETIVEforgetive adj. (Obsolete) inventive; productive; capable.
FORGETIVE adj. (Shakespeare) creative, inventive.
OUTRELIEFoutrelief n. Alternative form of out-relief.
out-relief n. (Historical) Cash or other aid given to the poor without their having to stay in the poorhouse.
OUTRELIEF n. outdoor relief.
PROFITEERprofiteer n. (Derogatory) One who makes an unreasonable profit not justified by cost or risk, a rent-seeker.
profiteer v. To make an unreasonable profit not justified by cost or risk.
PROFITEER n. a person who takes advantage of an emergency to make exorbitant profits.
REEFPOINTreefpoint n. (Nautical) Any of a series of short ropes attached to a sail that are used to secure it when reefed.
reef␣point n. (Nautical) A short line, stitched through a sail, for tying a reef.
REEFPOINT n. any of several short pieces of rope attached to a sail to secure it.
REFECTIONrefection n. Mental or spiritual refreshment.
refection n. Physical refreshment, especially with food or drink.
refection n. A meal, especially a light meal.
RETROFIREretrofire adj. Describing rockets that are directed opposite to the direction of motion and used to slow down.
retrofire v. To fire the retrofire rockets of a craft.
RETROFIRE v. to cause a retrorocket to become ignited.
TORPEFIEDtorpefied v. Simple past tense and past participle of torpefy.
TORPEFY v. to make numb or torpid.
TORPEFIEStorpefies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of torpefy.
TORPEFY v. to make numb or torpid.
TORREFIEDtorrefied v. Simple past tense and past participle of torrefy.
torrefied adj. Having undergone torrefaction; dried or roasted.
TORREFY v. to subject to intense heat, also TORRIFY.
TORREFIEStorrefies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of torrefy.
TORREFY v. to subject to intense heat, also TORRIFY.
TREFOILEDtrefoiled adj. Having the shape of a trefoil.
trefoiled adj. (Especially heraldry) Ornamented with trefoils projecting from the edges, as a bearing, partition, etc.
TREFOILED adj. adorned with trefoils.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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