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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2E, F, I, O and 2R

CONFRERIEconfrerie n. Brotherhood, association.
CONFRERIE n. (French) a brotherhood.
FIREPOWERfirepower n. The capacity of a weapon to deliver fire onto a target.
firepower n. The ability to deliver fire.
firepower n. (Figurative) The ability and resources to dominate.
FLOWERIERflowerier adj. Comparative form of flowery: more flowery.
FLOWERY adj. abounding in flowers.
FOREIGNERforeigner n. A person from a foreign country.
foreigner n. A private job run by an employee at a trade factory rather than going through the business.
FOREIGNER n. a person belonging to, or from, another country.
FORFEITERforfeiter n. One who incurs a penalty of forfeiture.
FORFEITER n. (Shakespeare) one who forfeits his land.
FORGERIESforgeries n. Plural of forgery.
FORGERY n. the act of fraudulently making or altering anything, esp. anything printed.
OVERBRIEFoverbrief adj. Excessively brief.
OVERBRIEF adj. excessively brief.
OVERBRIEF v. to brief excessively.
PROFITEERprofiteer n. (Derogatory) One who makes an unreasonable profit not justified by cost or risk, a rent-seeker.
profiteer v. To make an unreasonable profit not justified by cost or risk.
PROFITEER n. a person who takes advantage of an emergency to make exorbitant profits.
REINFORCEreinforce v. (Transitive) To strengthen, especially by addition or augmentation.
reinforce v. (Transitive) To emphasize or review.
reinforce v. (Transitive) To encourage (a behavior or idea) through repeated stimulus.
RETROFIREretrofire adj. Describing rockets that are directed opposite to the direction of motion and used to slow down.
retrofire v. To fire the retrofire rockets of a craft.
RETROFIRE v. to cause a retrorocket to become ignited.
TORREFIEDtorrefied v. Simple past tense and past participle of torrefy.
torrefied adj. Having undergone torrefaction; dried or roasted.
TORREFY v. to subject to intense heat, also TORRIFY.
TORREFIEStorrefies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of torrefy.
TORREFY v. to subject to intense heat, also TORRIFY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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