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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing 3E, O, P, S and T

DEPORTEESdeportees n. Plural of deportee.
DEPORTEE n. one who is deported.
DOPESHEETdope-sheet n. Alternative form of dope sheet.
dope␣sheet n. (Idiomatic) A summary, ordinarily in the form of a document, containing important facts and background…
dope␣sheet n. (Idiomatic, gambling) A publication, updated very frequently and used by people who make horse racing…
ESCOPETTEescopette n. Alternative form of escopet.
ESCOPETTE n. (French) a kind of firearm; a carbine.
POETESSESpoetesses n. Plural of poetess.
POETESS n. a female poet, also POETRESSE.
POETRESSEPOETRESSE n. (Spenser) a poetess, also POETESS.
PROTEGEESprotegees n. Plural of protegee.
protégées n. Plural of protégée.
PROTEGEE n. (French) one (female) who is looked after or sponsored by another.
SHEEPCOTEsheepcote n. (Archaic) A small building for sheltering sheep.
SHEEPCOTE n. a small inclosure for sheep, also SHEEPCOT.
TELESCOPEtelescope n. A monocular optical instrument that magnifies distant objects, especially in astronomy.
telescope n. Any instrument used in astronomy for observing distant objects (such as a radio telescope).
telescope n. (Television) A retractable tubular support for lights.
TOEPIECEStoepieces n. Plural of toepiece.
TOEPIECE n. a piece on a shoe designed to cover the toes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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