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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 3E, N, R and 2T

DETERGENTdetergent n. Any non-soap cleaning agent, especially a synthetic surfactant.
detergent adj. Synonym of cleansing.
DETERGENT n. a cleansing agent.
DETERMENTdeterment n. The act of deterring; deterrence.
DETERMENT n. the act of deterring.
DETERRENTdeterrent adj. Serving to deter, preventing something from happening.
deterrent n. Something that deters.
DETERRENT adj. serving to deter.
ENFETTERSenfetters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enfetter.
ENFETTER v. (Shakespeare) to bind with chains or shackles.
ENTERTAKEentertake v. (Transitive, obsolete) To entertain; to receive.
ENTERTAKE v. (Spenser) to receive, entertain.
ENTREATEDentreated v. Simple past tense and past participle of entreat.
ENTREAT v. to ask for earnestly, also INTREAT.
ENTRECOTEentrecôte n. A premium cut of beef used for steaks and roasts.
ENTRECOTE n. (French) a steak cut from between two ribs.
ENTREMETSentremets n. A side dish (often of vegetables), or a small dish of savories served between courses.
entremets n. A dessert.
ENTREMETS n. (French) edible pastry sculpture served between main courses, also ENTREMES, ENTREMESSE.
EVENTRATEEVENTRATE v. to open the belly.
LETTERMENlettermen n. Plural of letterman.
LETTERMAN n. an athlete who has earned a letter in a school sport.
PENETRATEpenetrate v. To enter into; to make way into the interior of; to pierce.
penetrate v. (Figuratively) To achieve understanding of, despite some obstacle; to comprehend; to understand.
penetrate v. To affect profoundly through the senses or feelings; to move deeply.
RECENTESTrecentest adj. Superlative form of recent: most recent.
RECENT adj. happening not long ago.
REINETTESreinettes n. Plural of reinette.
REINETTE n. (French) a name given to many different kinds of apples, mostly of French origin, also RENNET, RUNNET.
RETENTIVEretentive adj. Having power to retain.
retentive adj. (Slang, apocope) anal-retentive.
retentive n. (Obsolete) That which retains or confines; a restraint.
REVETMENTrevetment n. A layer of stone, concrete, or other hard material supporting the side of an embankment.
revetment n. An ornamental facing, as on a common masonry wall, of marble, face brick, tiles, etc.
revetment n. An armoured building that provides protection against bombs.
SERINETTEserinette n. (Music) A small barrel organ once used to teach tunes to canaries.
SERINETTE n. (French) a small barrel-organ for training songbirds.
TEENTSIERteentsier adj. Comparative form of teentsy: more teentsy.
TEENTSY adj. (colloquial) very small, also TEENSY, TEENTY, TEENY.
TEETERINGteetering v. Present participle of teeter.
teetering n. A precarious motion or situation, risking a fall or collapse.
TEETER v. to move unsteadily.
TENDERESTtenderest adj. Superlative form of tender: most tender.
TENDER adj. soft, sensitive.
TESTERNEDtesterned v. Simple past tense and past participle of testern.
TESTERN v. (Shakespeare) to reward with sixpence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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