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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 3E, M, O, S and T

DOSEMETERdosemeter n. Alternative form of dosimeter.
DOSEMETER n. an instrument for measuring doses of radiation, also DOSIMETER.
ECTOMERESectomeres n. Plural of ectomere.
ECTOMERE n. a cell that develops into ectoderm.
EDEMATOSEedematose adj. Alternative form of edematous.
EDEMATOSE adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, edema, also EDEMATOUS, OEDEMATOSE, OEDEMATOUS.
GEOMETERSgeometers n. Plural of geometer.
GEOMETER n. a specialist in geometry.
MEMENTOESmementoes n. (Rare) plural of memento.
MEMENTO n. (Latin) something kept or given as a reminder, also MOMENTO.
MERESTONEmerestone n. A stone designating a limit or boundary; a landmark.
MERESTONE n. a stone designating a limit or boundary; a landmark.
MESTESOESMESTESO n. (Spanish) a person of mixed ancestry, also MESTIZO, MESTINO.
MOTHERESEmotherese n. Baby talk.
MOTHERESE n. a simplified and repetitive type of speech used by adults in speaking to babies.
OMELETTESomelettes n. Plural of omelette.
OMELETTE n. a dish made with beaten eggs, also OMELET.
OVERTEEMSoverteems v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overteem.
OVERTEEM v. to produce in excess.
STEREOMESstereomes n. Plural of stereome.
STEREOME n. mechanical tissue in plants.
TELOMEREStelomeres n. Plural of telomere.
TELOMERE n. a centromere that is located in a terminal position on a chromosome.
THREESOMEthreesome n. A group of three people or things.
threesome n. An instance of sexual activity involving three people.
THREESOME n. a set of three.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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