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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing 3E, M, N and 2T

BESETMENTbesetment n. The state of being beset.
BESETMENT n. the act of besetting, or the state of being beset.
CEMENTITEcementite n. (Inorganic chemistry) A form of iron carbide, Fe3C, that is a component of steel.
CEMENTITE n. a compound of iron and carbon found in cast iron.
DEMENTATEdementate v. (Obsolete) To dement, to make crazy.
dementate adj. (Obsolete) Deprived of reason.
DEMENTATE v. (archaic) to deprive of reason.
DETERMENTdeterment n. The act of deterring; deterrence.
DETERMENT n. the act of deterring.
EJECTMENTejectment n. (Law) The legal process of ejecting someone from their property or holdings.
ejectment n. (Generally) A casting out, an ejection.
EJECTMENT n. expulsion; dispossession; an action for the recovery of the possession of land.
ENTREMETSentremets n. A side dish (often of vegetables), or a small dish of savories served between courses.
entremets n. A dessert.
ENTREMETS n. (French) edible pastry sculpture served between main courses, also ENTREMES, ENTREMESSE.
LETTERMENlettermen n. Plural of letterman.
LETTERMAN n. an athlete who has earned a letter in a school sport.
REVETMENTrevetment n. A layer of stone, concrete, or other hard material supporting the side of an embankment.
revetment n. An ornamental facing, as on a common masonry wall, of marble, face brick, tiles, etc.
revetment n. An armoured building that provides protection against bombs.
TENEMENTStenements n. Plural of tenement.
TENEMENT n. an apartment house.
THELEMENTTHELEMENT n. (Spenser) the element.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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