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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing E, N, O, R, S and 2T

CORNETTScornetts n. Plural of cornett.
Cornetts prop.n. Plural of Cornett.
CORNETT n. an old woodwind instrument, also CORNET.
FRONTESTfrontest adj. (Phonetics) superlative form of front: most front.
FRONT adj. to the fore.
KNOTTERSknotters n. Plural of knotter.
KNOTTER n. one who knots.
NETROOTSnetroots n. (Politics, US politics) Grassroots political activism on the internet, especially on blogs.
NETROOT n. a political activist who promotes his or her cause via the internet.
ONSETTERonsetter n. (Mining, historical, UK, dialect, Northern England) A worker at the bottom of a mineshaft who exchanges…
onsetter n. (Medicine) One who undergoes the onset of a condition.
ONSETTER n. (archaic) an assailant.
ORNATESTornatest adj. Superlative form of ornate: most ornate.
ORNATE adj. decorated.
PORTENTSportents n. Plural of portent.
PORTENT n. an omen.
SNOTTERSsnotters n. Plural of snotter.
snotters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of snotter.
SNOTTER v. to snivel.
SNOTTERYsnottery adj. Full of snot or phlegm; snotty.
snottery adj. Resembling or characteristic of snot.
snottery adj. Presumptuous and demanding.
SNOTTIERsnottier adj. Comparative form of snotty: more snotty.
SNOTTY adj. foul with snot.
SORTMENTsortment n. (Obsolete) assortment.
sortment n. The process of sorting something.
SORTMENT n. an assortment.
STENTORSstentors n. Plural of stentor.
STENTOR n. a person who has a very loud voice.
STENTOURSTENTOUR n. one who determines tax to be paid.
TENORISTtenorist n. A tenor singer.
tenorist n. Someone who plays a tenor saxophone.
TENORIST n. one who sings tenor or plays a tenor instrument.
THORNSETTHORNSET adj. beset with thorns.
TONGSTERtongster n. A tongman.
TONGSTER n. (Chinese) a member of a Chinese tong, also TONGMAN.
TORMENTStorments v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of torment.
torments n. Plural of torment.
TORMENT v. to harass or torture.
TORRENTStorrents n. Plural of torrent.
TORRENT n. a rapid stream of water.
TRITONEStritones n. Plural of tritone.
TRITONE n. a musical interval of three whole tones.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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