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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing E, I, N, O, P, R and T

ATROPINEatropine n. (Toxicology, pharmacology) An alkaloid extracted from the plant deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)…
ATROPINE n. a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade, also ATROPIN, ATROPIA.
DIPTERONDIPTERON n. a two-winged insect, also DIPTERAN, DIPTERA.
ENTROPICentropic adj. Of, pertaining to, or as a consequence of entropy.
ENTROPIC adj. relating to entropy.
ERUPTIONeruption n. A violent ejection, such as the spurting out of lava from a volcano.
eruption n. A sudden release of pressure or tension.
eruption n. An infection of the skin resulting in a rash or blemishing.
INCEPTORinceptor n. A beginner; one in the rudiments.
inceptor n. (UK) One who is on the point of taking a Master of Arts degree at an English university.
INCEPTOR n. a beginner.
INOTROPEinotrope n. (Medicine) Any inotropic drug.
INOTROPE n. a drug for controlling the force of muscular contractions.
ORPIMENTorpiment n. Arsenic trisulphide, occurring naturally in crystals or massive deposits, formerly used as a dye or pigment.
ORPIMENT n. a yellow arsenic compound used as a pigment.
POINTERSpointers n. Plural of pointer.
Pointers prop.n. Plural of Pointer.
POINTER n. a breed of dog used on shooting expeditions, that points to the bird with nose, body and tail in a straight line.
POINTIERpointier adj. Comparative form of pointy: more pointy.
POINTY adj. coming to a sharp, tapering end.
POITRINEpoitrine n. (Historical) The breastplate of a knight’s armour.
poitrine n. Synonym of poitrel (“chest-armor for a horse”).
poitrine n. Chest, bosom, especially of a woman.
PORNIESTporniest adj. Superlative form of porny: most porny.
PORNY adj. (colloquial) pornographic.
PRETONICpretonic adj. That immediately precedes a stressed syllable.
PRETONIC adj. denoting the syllable before the one bearing the primary stress in a word.
PROTEINSproteins n. Plural of protein.
PROTEIN n. a nitrogenous organic compound, also PROTEID, PROTEIDE.
REPOINTSrepoints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of repoint.
REPOINT v. to repair mortar.
TERPINOLterpinol n. Alternative form of terpineol.
TERPINOL n. a terpene alcohol used as a perfume base, also TERPINEOL.
TOPLINERtopliner n. One who is billed as the primary entertainer.
topliner n. One who contributes to contemporary songwriting by creating vocal melodies, lyrics, or hooks related…
TOPLINER n. a star.
TRIPHONEtriphone n. (Phonetics) A triplet of adjacent phones.
TRIPHONE n. a shorthand sign representing a triphthongal sound.
TROPINEStropines n. Plural of tropine.
TROPINE n. a poisonous alkaloid, also TROPIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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