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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing E, I, 2N, O, R and T

ANOINTERanointer n. One who anoints.
ANOINTER n. one who anoints.
INDENTORindentor n. A person who is a representative for a foreign company, product or a person, and who gets commission…
INDENTOR n. one that indents, also INDENTER.
INORNATEinornate adj. Not ornate.
INORNATE adj. not ornate, also UNORNATE.
INTHRONEinthrone v. Archaic form of enthrone.
INTHRONE v. to place on a throne, also ENTHRONE.
INTONERSintoners n. Plural of intoner.
INTONER n. one who intones.
INVENTORinventor n. One who invents, either as a hobby or as an occupation.
INVENTOR n. one who invents, also INVENTER.
NEUTRINOneutrino n. An elementary particle that is classified as a lepton, and has an extremely small but nonzero mass and…
NEUTRINO n. an uncharged subatomic particle with zero mass when at rest.
NITROGENnitrogen n. (Uncountable) The chemical element (symbol N) with an atomic number of 7 and atomic weight of 14.0067…
nitrogen n. (Uncountable) Molecular nitrogen (N2), a colorless, odorless gas at room temperature.
nitrogen n. (Countable) A specific nitrogen atom within a chemical formula, or a specific isotope of nitrogen.
NOINTERSNOINTER n. (Australian slang) a mischievous child, a rascal.
NONINERTnoninert adj. Not inert.
NONINERT adj. not inert.
NOVERINTnoverint n. (Obsolete) A lawyer’s clerk, or scrivener.
NOVERINT n. (Latin) a writ, beginning with the words 'noverint universi', let all men know.
REANOINTreanoint v. To anoint again.
REANOINT v. to anoint again.
RINGTONEringtone n. The sound made by a telephone when ringing.
ringtone n. A customizable tone used to indicate an incoming call on a telephone, especially a mobile phone.
ringtone v. (Transitive, intransitive) Of a telephone: to play a ringtone.
TENORINITENORINO n. a high tenor.
TENORINOTENORINO n. a high tenor.
TERNIONSternions n. Plural of ternion.
TERNION n. a triad; a section of a book with three double leaves.
TONTINERtontiner n. Alternative form of tontineer (a member of a tontine).
TONTINER n. the receiver of an annuity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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