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There are 19 eight-letter words containing E, I, M, P, R and 2S

EMPRISESemprises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of emprise.
EMPRISE n. (archaic) an adventurous undertaking, also EMPRIZE.
IMPOSERSimposers n. Plural of imposer.
IMPOSER n. one who imposes.
IMPRESASimpresas n. Plural of impresa.
IMPRESA n. (Italian) an emblem with a motto, also IMPRESE, IMPRESSE.
IMPRESESimpreses n. Plural of imprese.
IMPRESE n. (Italian) an emblem with a motto, also IMPRESA, IMPRESSE.
IMPRESSEimpresse n. Obsolete form of impress. (a heraldic device; an impresa)
IMPRESSE n. (Italian) an emblem with a motto, also IMPRESA, IMPRESE.
IMPRESTSimprests n. Plural of imprest.
imprests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of imprest.
IMPREST n. an advance of money, esp. one made to carry out some business for a government.
MESPRISEmesprise n. Alternative form of misprize.
mesprise v. Obsolete form of misprize.
MESPRISE n. (Spenser) scorn, slighting, also MESPRIZE.
MISPARSEmisparse v. To parse incorrectly.
misparse n. An instance of incorrect parsing; a misparsing.
MISPARSE v. to parse incorrectly.
MISPRISEmisprise v. Alternative spelling of misprize.
MISPRISE v. to undervalue, also MISPRIZE.
PISMIRESpismires n. Plural of pismire.
PISMIRE n. an ant.
PREMISESpremises n. Plural of premise.
premises n. (Plural only) land, and all the built structures on it, especially when considered as a single place.
premises n. (Law, plural only) The subject of a conveyance or deed.
PRIMNESSprimness n. The quality or state of being prim, precise, or proper.
PRIMNESS n. the state of being prim.
PRIMUSESprimuses n. Plural of primus.
Primuses n. Plural of Primus.
PRIMUS n. (Latin) the head bishop of Scotland.
PROMISESpromises n. Plural of promise.
promises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of promise.
PROMISE v. to make a declaration of assurance.
SAMPIRESsampires n. Plural of sampire.
SAMPIRE n. a fleshy coastal plant; glasswort, also SAMPHIRE.
SEMIPROSsemipros n. Plural of semipro.
semi-pros n. Plural of semi-pro.
SEMIPRO n. one who is engaged in paid sport part-time.
SIMPLERSsimplers n. Plural of simpler.
SIMPLER n. (archaic) one skilled in simples, or medicinal plants, also SIMPLIST.
SPIMMERSspimmers n. Plural of spimmer.
SPIMMER n. a person who sends unsolicited commercial communications via an instant-messaging system.
SPIREMESspiremes n. Plural of spireme.
SPIREME n. a filament forming part of a cell nucleus, also SPIREM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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