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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 6 eight-letter words containing E, I, M, N, 2O and R

GERONIMOgeronimo interj. A cry before jumping out of or into something.
Geronimo prop.n. A prominent leader and medicine man from the Bedonkohe band of the Chiricahua Apache tribe (1829–1909).
Geronimo prop.n. A male given name from Italian, equivalent to English Jerome.
IONOMERSionomers n. Plural of ionomer.
IONOMER n. the product of ionic bonding between long chains of molecules.
MOONRISEmoonrise n. The time of day or night when the moon begins to rise over the horizon.
MOONRISE n. the time when the moon appears.
MOTIONERmotioner n. One who makes a motion; a mover.
MOTIONER n. one who makes a motion.
OMNIVOREomnivore n. An animal which is able to consume both plants (like a herbivore) and meat (like a carnivore).
OMNIVORE n. an omnivorous person or animal, one that feeds on both animal and vegetable food.
REMOTIONremotion n. (Zoology, chiefly entomology) Backward motion.
remotion n. (Especially logic, largely obsolete) Removal.
REMOTION n. the act of removing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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