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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing E, I, 2L, P and 2S

ELLIPSESellipses n. Plural of ellipse.
ellipses n. Plural of ellipsis.
ELLIPSE n. a type of plane curve.
ELLIPSISellipsis n. (Typography, mathematics) A mark consisting of (in English) three periods, historically or more formally…
ellipsis n. (Grammar, rhetoric) The omission of a word or phrase that can be inferred from the context.
ellipsis n. (Film) The omission of scenes in a film that do not advance the plot.
ILLAPSESillapses n. Plural of illapse.
ILLAPSE v. to glide in.
MISSPELLmisspell v. To spell incorrectly.
MISSPELL v. to spell incorrectly.
PILELESSpileless adj. Without a pile or piles (in various senses).
PILELESS adj. without a raised surface of yarn.
PSELLISMpsellism n. Indistinct pronunciation; stammering; a speech disorder.
PSELLISM n. a defect in articulation or pronunciation, also PSELLISMUS.
SLIPLESSslipless adj. Without physical slippage.
SLIPLESS adj. free from errors.
SLIPSOLEslipsole n. A sock-like lining for the inside of a shoe.
SLIPSOLE n. a thin insole.
SPILLERSspillers n. Plural of spiller.
Spillers prop.n. Plural of Spiller.
SPILLER n. one who spills.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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