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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing E, 2I, P, 2S and T

EPICISTSepicists n. Plural of epicist.
EPICIST n. one who tells an epic.
EPITASISepitasis n. (Ancient drama) The second part of a play, in which the action begins.
epitasis n. (Rhetoric) The addition of a concluding sentence that merely emphasizes what has already been stated.
epitasis n. (Obsolete) The period of violence in a fever or disease; paroxysm.
PIETISMSpietisms n. Plural of pietism.
PIETISM n. unquestioning or dogmatic religious devotion.
PIETISTSpietists n. Plural of pietist.
Pietists n. Plural of Pietist.
PIETIST n. a person characterized by or professing (often affected or exaggerated) piety.
PIGSTIESpigsties n. Plural of pigsty.
PIGSTY n. a place where pigs are kept.
PISSIESTpissiest adj. Superlative form of pissy: most pissy.
PISSY adj. soiled with urine; inferior, nasty.
PITILESSpitiless adj. Having, or showing, no pity; merciless, ruthless.
pitiless adj. Having no kindly feelings; unkind.
PITILESS adj. without pity.
SNIPIESTsnipiest adj. Superlative form of snipy: most snipy.
snipiest adj. Superlative form of snipey: most snipey.
SNIPY adj. snipelike; frequented by snipe.
SPICIESTspiciest adj. Superlative form of spicy: most spicy.
SPICY adj. tasting of spice, also SPICEY.
SPIKIESTspikiest adj. Superlative form of spiky: most spiky.
SPIKY adj. resembling a spike, also SPIKEY.
SPILITESspilites n. Plural of spilite.
SPILITE n. a fine-grained igneous rock of basaltic composition.
SPINIESTspiniest adj. Superlative form of spiny: most spiny.
SPINY adj. having spines.
SPIRIESTSPIRY adj. tall, slender and tapering.
STIPITESstipites n. Plural of stipes.
STIPES n. (Latin) a slender supporting part of a plant, also STIPE.
SWIPIESTSWIPEY adj. fuddled with malt liquor.
TIPSIESTtipsiest adj. Superlative form of tipsy: most tipsy.
TIPSY adj. slightly drunk.
WISPIESTwispiest adj. Superlative form of wispy: most wispy.
WISPY adj. like a wisp, also WISPISH, WISPLIKE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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