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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing E, H, I, L, O, P and T

CHIPOTLEchipotle n. A ripe jalapeño pepper, dried and smoked for use in cooking.
CHIPOTLE n. (Spanish) a smoked and dried jalapeno pepper.
HELICOPThelicopt v. (Rare, dated, nonstandard) to helicopter.
HELICOPT v. to travel by helicopter.
HELIPORTheliport n. (Aviation) A facility, such as a small airport, designed to let helicopters take off and land.
HELIPORT n. an airport for helicopters, also HELISTOP.
HELISTOPhelistop n. A place where a helicopter can land.
HELISTOP n. an airport for helicopters, also HELIPORT.
HOPLITEShoplites n. Plural of hoplite.
HOPLITE n. (Greek) a heavily armed Greek foot soldier.
ISOPLETHisopleth n. A line drawn on a map through all points having the same value of some measurable quantity.
isopleth n. (Thermodynamics) A line in a phase diagram indicating the same mole fraction.
ISOPLETH n. a line connecting points of equal aspect of climate.
THOLEPINtholepin n. A thole.
THOLEPIN n. a pin that serves as an oarlock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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