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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing E, G, I, N, O, P and R

COPERINGcopering v. Present participle of coper.
COPER v. to supply a ship with alcoholic liquor.
PEIGNOIRpeignoir n. A long outer garment for women, usually sheer and made of chiffon and often sold with matching nightgown…
peignoir n. A cape worn to protect the clothes at the barbers / hairdressers.
PEIGNOIR n. (French) a woman's dressing-gown.
PERIGONEperigone n. (Botany) perianth.
perigone n. In mosses, the involucral bracts of a male flower.
perigone n. (Zoology) A sac surrounding the generative bodies in the gonophore of a hydroid.
PERIGONSperigons n. Plural of perigon.
PERIGON n. (Greek) an angle equal to 360 degrees.
PIEROGENpierogen n. Pierogis (type of dumpling).
PIEROG n. a large Russian pie, stuffed with meat, fish, eggs, or cabbage, also PEROG, PIROG.
PIGEONRYpigeonry n. A place for pigeons; a dovecote.
PIGEONRY n. a place for keeping pigeons.
POWERINGpowering v. Present participle of power.
POWER v. to equip with mechanical force.
PROIGNEDPROIGN v. (obsolete) to preen, prune, also PROIN, PROINE, PROYN, PROYNE.
REPONINGreponing v. Present participle of repone.
REPONE v. to restore to office.
REPOSINGreposing v. Present participle of repose.
REPOSE v. to lie at rest.
SPONGIERspongier adj. Comparative form of spongy: more spongy.
SPONGY adj. absorptive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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