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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing 2E, N, O, 2S and T

BONESETSbonesets n. Plural of boneset.
BONESET n. a medicinal plant, aka thoroughwort, thought to heal fractures.
ESSONITEessonite n. (Mineralogy) Cinnamon stone, a variety of garnet.
ESSONITE n. cinnamon stone, a variety of garnet, also HESSONITE.
ESTRONESestrones n. Plural of estrone.
ETHNOSESethnoses n. Plural of ethnos.
ETHNOS n. (Greek) a group of people who share a common culture.
NOTELESSnoteless adj. Without a note or notes.
noteless adj. (Dated) Not attracting notice; inconspicuous.
noteless adj. Of no worth or profit; useless; unprofitable; of no note; unnoteful.
PENTOSESpentoses n. Plural of pentose.
PENTOSE n. a sugar with five carbon atoms per molecule.
POSTEENSposteens n. Plural of posteen.
POSTEEN n. (Persian) an Afghan sheepskin coat, also POSHTEEN, POSTIN.
STENOSEDstenosed adj. Affected by stenosis.
STENOSED adj. affected with stenosis.
STENOSESstenoses n. Plural of stenosis.
STENOSIS n. a narrowing of a bodily passage.
TONELESStoneless adj. Lacking tone or expression.
toneless adj. Lacking vitality; listless.
toneless adj. (Linguistics) Lacking tone or pitch, have the neutral tone.
VENTOSESventoses n. Plural of ventose.
Ventôses prop.n. Plural of Ventôse.
VENTOSE n. an apparatus sometimes used to assist the delivery of a baby, consisting of a cup which is attached to the fetal head by suction, also VENTOUSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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