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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2E, I, N, 2R and T

INSERTERinserter n. A person who, or device that inserts.
inserter n. A machine that inserts components into envelopes for mass mailing.
INSERTER n. one who inserts.
INTERREDinterred adj. Having been interred.
interred adj. (Of a buried corpse) Located.
interred v. Simple past tense and past participle of inter.
INTERREXinterrex n. (History) An official in Ancient Rome who acted as single head of state during the interregnum between two consulates.
interrex n. (History) An equivalent regent from the death of a Polish king till the election and enthronement of his successor.
interrex n. (Figuratively) A similar interim ruler, CEO, etc.
INVERTERinverter n. Something that inverts, or causes inversion.
inverter n. (Electrical engineering) A power inverter.
INVERTER n. one who inverts, also INVERTOR.
ORIENTERorienter n. A person or thing that orients.
ORIENTER n. one who helps another to adjust to surroundings.
REINSERTreinsert v. To insert again.
REINSERT v. to insert again.
REINTERSreinters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reinter.
REINTER v. to inter again.
RENTIERSrentiers n. Plural of rentier.
RENTIER n. (French) a person who has, or who lives on, an income from rents or investments.
REORIENTreorient v. (Transitive, intransitive) To orient again; to make or become oriented after dislocation or disorientation.
reorient adj. (Obsolete) Arising again.
REORIENT v. to acquaint oneself again.
RETAINERretainer n. Any thing or person that retains.
retainer n. A dependent or follower of someone of rank.
retainer n. A paid servant, especially one who has been employed for many years.
REUNITERreuniter n. One who reunites.
REUNITER n. one who reunites.
TERMINERterminer n. (Law, archaic) The act of determining.
TERMINER n. (obsolete) a determining; as, in oyer and terminer.
TERRINESterrines n. Plural of terrine.
TERRINE n. (French) an earthenware jar or dish; a pate of meat or fish cooked in this.
TINKERERtinkerer n. Agent noun of tinker; one who tinkers with things.
tinkerer n. A meddler.
TINKERER n. one who tinkers.
TRENDIERtrendier adj. Comparative form of trendy: more trendy.
TRENDY adj. fashionable.
UNRETIREunretire v. (Intransitive) To leave retirement and return to work.
unretire v. (Transitive) To bring back from retirement; to reinstate.
UNRETIRE v. to return to work after having taken retirement.
WINTERERwinterer n. (Biology) Any person or animal (but especially a bird) that visits or resides in a specified location…
WINTERER n. one who spends the winter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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