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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing 2E, I, M, S and 2T

EMITTERSemitters n. Plural of emitter.
EMITTER n. something that emits.
EMPTIESTemptiest adj. Superlative form of empty: most empty.
EMPTY adj. containing nothing.
ESTIMATEestimate n. A rough calculation or assessment of the value, size, or cost of something.
estimate n. (Construction and business) A document (or verbal notification) specifying how much a job is likely to cost.
estimate n. An upper limitation on some positive quantity.
ETATISMEetatisme n. Misspelling of etatism or étatisme.
étatisme n. (Hypercorrect) Alternative form of etatism.
ETATISME n. (French) extreme state control over the individual, also ETATISM.
MEATIESTmeatiest adj. Superlative form of meaty: most meaty.
MEATY adj. full of meat.
MELTIESTmeltiest adj. Superlative form of melty: most melty.
MELTY adj. liable to melt.
MINETTESminettes n. Plural of minette.
MINETTE n. (French) the smallest of regular sizes of portrait photographs.
SMECTITEsmectite n. (Mineralogy) Any of many clay phyllosilicate minerals that have a relatively open structure.
SMECTITE n. the family of minerals that are constituents of clays, including bentonite and saponite.
TEATIMESteatimes n. Plural of teatime.
tea-times n. Plural of tea-time.
TEATIME n. the usual time for tea.
TERMITEStermites n. Plural of termite.
termites n. Plural of termes.
TERMITE n. a so-called white ant, a pale-coloured insect of the order Isoptera.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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