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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2E, I, L, 2S and V

CLEVISESclevises n. Plural of clevis.
CLEVIS n. a U-shaped fastener with pin used to close the open end.
DEVILESSdeviless n. A female devil.
DEVILESS n. a female devil.
ELVISHESELVISH n. the imagined language of elves.
EVILNESSevilness n. The quality or state of being evil.
EVILNESS n. the quality of being evil.
HIVELESShiveless adj. Without a hive.
HIVELESS adj. without a hive.
LIVENESSliveness n. The property of being alive.
liveness n. (Computing theory) A set of properties of a concurrent system that require the system to make progress…
LIVENESS n. the quality of being live.
PELVISESpelvises n. Plural of pelvis.
PELVIS n. (Latin) a part of the skeleton.
SERVILESserviles n. Plural of servile.
SERVILE n. a servile person.
SILVEXESSILVEX n. a herbicide.
VEILLESSveilless adj. Without a veil.
VEILLESS adj. without a veil.
VEINLESSveinless adj. Without veins.
VEINLESS adj. without veins.
VESICLESvesicles n. Plural of vesicle.
VESICLE n. a small blister or bladder, also VESICULA.
VICELESSviceless adj. Without vice.
VICELESS adj. having no immoral habits.
VIEWLESSviewless adj. Without a view.
viewless adj. (Poetic) invisible; unseen.
VIEWLESS adj. having no opinions.
VILENESSvileness n. The state of being vile.
vileness n. A vile act.
VILENESS n. the state of being vile, also VILDNESS.
VINELESSvineless adj. Without vines.
VINELESS adj. with no vine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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