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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing 2E, G, I, N, S and V

EEVNINGSeevnings n. Plural of eevning.
EEVNING n. the latter part of daylight hours, also EVENING, EEVEN, EEVN.
ENVISAGEenvisage v. To conceive or see something within one’s mind; to imagine or envision.
ENVISAGE v. to visualize, also ENVISION.
EVENINGSevenings adv. (Informal, somewhat dated) In the evening, during the evening.
evenings n. Plural of evening.
EVENING n. the latter part of daylight hours, also EEVEN, EEVN, EEVNING.
SEVERINGsevering v. Present participle of sever.
severing n. The act by which something is severed.
SEVER v. to divide or cut into parts.
SLEEVINGsleeving v. Present participle of sleeve.
sleeving n. (UK) Hollow flexible tube used as insulation for wires and cables.
SLEEVING n. a tubular covering for a cylindrical object, esp. one of insulating material for an electric cable.
STEEVINGsteeving v. Present participle of steeve.
STEEVING n. the angular elevation of a bowsprit from a ship's keel.
VEERINGSveerings n. Plural of veering.
VEERING n. the act of veering.
VENTIGESventiges n. Plural of ventige.
VENTIGE n. (Shakespeare) a fingerhole, as in a flute, also VENTAGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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