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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing E, I, 2O, 2T and X

CHEMOTAXONOMISTchemotaxonomist n. One who studies chemotaxonomy.
CHEMOTAXONOMIST n. one who practises chemotaxonomy.
DETOXIFICATIONSdetoxifications n. Plural of detoxification.
DETOXIFICATION n. the act of detoxifying.
DEXTROROTATIONSdextrorotations n. Plural of dextrorotation.
DEXTROROTATION n. rotation to the right.
ECOTOXICOLOGISTecotoxicologist n. One who studies ecotoxicology.
ECOTOXICOLOGIST n. a specialist in ecotoxicology.
ENTEROTOXIGENICenterotoxigenic adj. (Biology) That produces enterotoxins.
EXOERYTHROCYTICexoerythrocytic adj. Outside of an erythrocyte.
EXOERYTHROCYTIC adj. occurring outside the red blood cells.
EXPLORATIONISTSexplorationists n. Plural of explorationist.
EXPLORATIONIST n. a scientist engaged in mineral exploration.
EXPONENTIATIONSexponentiations n. Plural of exponentiation.
EXPONENTIATION n. the mathematical operation of raising a quantity to a power.
EXTEMPORISATIONextemporisation n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of extemporization.
EXTEMPORISATION n. the act of extemporising, also EXTEMPORIZATION.
EXTEMPORIZATIONextemporization n. The act of extemporizing; the act of doing anything extempore.
EXTEMPORIZATION n. the act of extemporizing, also EXTEMPORISATION.
EXTERIORISATIONexteriorisation n. Mental awareness of the form of something that cannot be directly visualised.
EXTERIORISATION n. the process of exteriorising, also EXTERIORIZATION.
EXTERIORIZATIONexteriorization n. The physical embodiment of an abstraction.
exteriorization n. (Surgery) The act of removing something from a body.
exteriorization n. (Scientology) The process of a thetan leaving its human body.
NEUROTOXICITIESneurotoxicities n. Plural of neurotoxicity.
NEUROTOXICITY n. the state of being neurotoxic.
NONEXPLOITATIONnonexploitation n. Absence of exploitation.
NONEXPLOITATION adj. not exploitation.
NONEXPLOITATIVEnonexploitative adj. Not exploitative.
NONEXPLOITATIVE adj. not exploitative, also NONEXPLOITIVE.
OVEREXPECTATIONoverexpectation n. An excessively high expectation.
OVEREXPECTATION n. excessive expectation.
OVEREXTRACTIONSoverextractions n. Plural of overextraction.
OVEREXTRACTION n. excessive extraction.
PHOTOEXCITATIONphotoexcitation n. (Chemistry) The formation of an excited state by the absorption of a photon.
PHOTOEXCITATION n. the process of exciting the atoms or molecules of a substance by the absorption of radiant energy.
PHOTOTOXICITIESphototoxicities n. Plural of phototoxicity.
PHOTOTOXICITY n. the state of being phototoxic.
PHYTOTOXICITIESphytotoxicities n. Plural of phytotoxicity.
PHYTOTOXICITY n. the state of being phytotoxic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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