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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing 2E, H, 2I and 2P

APPRENTICESHIPSapprenticeships n. Plural of apprenticeship.
APPRENTICESHIP n. the state of being an apprentice.
ARCHIEPISCOPATEarchiepiscopate n. (Ecclesiastical) an archbishopric.
ARCHIEPISCOPATE n. the rank or province of an archbishop.
HYPERLIPIDAEMIAhyperlipidaemia n. Alternative spelling of hyperlipidemia.
HYPERLIPIDAEMIA n. an abnormally high level of fat in the blood, also HYPERLIPEMIA, HYPERLIPIDEMIA.
HYPERLIPIDEMIAShyperlipidemias n. Plural of hyperlipidemia.
HYPERLIPIDEMIA n. an abnormally high level of fat in the blood, also HYPERLIPEMIA, HYPERLIPIDAEMIA.
INAPPREHENSIBLEinapprehensible adj. That cannot be apprehended; not apprehensible to or graspable by either body or mind.
INAPPREHENSIBLE adj. not capable of being apprehended.
INTERPRETERSHIPinterpretership n. A qualification in interpreting.
interpretership n. The state of being an interpreter.
INTERPRETERSHIP n. the office of interpreter.
MISAPPREHENDINGmisapprehending v. Present participle of misapprehend.
MISAPPREHEND v. to apprehend wrongly.
MISAPPREHENSIONmisapprehension n. A failure to understand something; an illusion, misconception or misunderstanding.
MISAPPREHENSION n. the act of misapprehending.
MISAPPREHENSIVEmisapprehensive adj. Of or pertaining to misapprehension.
MISAPPREHENSIVE adj. having the nature of a misapprehension.
NOREPINEPHRINESnorepinephrines n. Plural of norepinephrine.
NOREPINEPHRINE n. (US) a neurotransmitter hormone related to adrenalin, produced by the adrenal glands.
PERIHEPATITISESPERIHEPATITIS n. inflammation of the peritoneum covering the liver.
PERINEPHRITISESPERINEPHRITIS n. inflammation of the perinephrium.
PERIPHERALITIESperipheralities n. Plural of peripherality.
PERIPHERALITY n. the state of being peripheral.
PERITYPHLITISESPERITYPHLITIS n. inflammation of some part near the caecum or blindgut.
PHYSIOTHERAPIESphysiotherapies n. Plural of physiotherapy.
PHYSIOTHERAPY n. physical therapy.
PLAGIOCEPHALIESplagiocephalies n. Plural of plagiocephaly.
PLAGIOCEPHALY n. a twisted condition of the head, the front of the skull being larger on one side, the back larger on the other.
PSEUDEPIGRAPHICpseudepigraphic adj. Of or relating to pseudepigraphy.
PSEUDEPIGRAPHIC adj. relating to pseudepigrapha, spurious writings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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