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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 12 fifteen-letter words containing 3E, 2O, P and U

COUNTERRESPONSEcounterresponse n. A response to a response.
COUNTERRESPONSE n. an answering response.
ELECTROPHORUSESelectrophoruses n. Plural of electrophorus.
ELECTROPHORUS n. an apparatus consisting of a disk and metal plate to demonstrate static electricity.
ELEUTHEROPHOBIAeleutherophobia n. (Rare) Fear of freedom.
ELEUTHEROPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of freedom.
ELEUTHEROPHOBICELEUTHEROPHOBIC adj. suffering from a fear of freedom.
NEUROPROTECTIVEneuroprotective adj. That provides neuroprotection.
neuroprotective n. Any neuroprotective agent.
OPENMOUTHEDNESSOPENMOUTHEDNESS n. the state of being openmouthed.
OUTSPOKENNESSESoutspokennesses n. Plural of outspokenness.
OUTSPOKENNESS n. the state of being outspoken.
PNEUMONECTOMIESpneumonectomies n. Plural of pneumonectomy.
PNEUMONECTOMY n. the surgical removal of a lung.
PONDEROUSNESSESponderousnesses n. Plural of ponderousness.
PONDEROUSNESS n. the state of being ponderous.
PSEUDOCOELOMATEpseudocoelomate adj. Of, pertaining to, or possessing a pseudocoel.
pseudocoelomate n. Such an animal.
PSEUDOCOELOMATE n. an invertebrate (as a nematode or rotifer) having a body cavity that is a pseudocoel.
SUPERPHENOMENONsuperphenomenon n. A phenomenon that exceeds normal phenomenal qualities, standards, etc.
SUPERPHENOMENON n. an exceptional phenomenon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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