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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 13 fifteen-letter words containing 3E, 2M and 2N

COMMENDABLENESScommendableness n. The state or quality of being commendable.
COMMENDABLE n. that can be commended.
COUNTERMOVEMENTcountermovement n. A movement in opposition, or retaliation to another.
COUNTERMOVEMENT n. an opposing movement.
DISENCUMBERMENTDISENCUMBERMENT n. the act of disencumbering.
MIDDELMANNETJIEmiddelmannetjie n. (South Africa) A ridge between ruts made by wheels in a dirt or gravel road.
MIDDELMANNETJIE n. (South African) a ridge between the ruts made by wheels in a dirt road.
MOMENTARINESSESmomentarinesses n. Plural of momentariness.
MOMENTARINESS n. the state of being momentary.
OMNICOMPETENCESomnicompetences n. Plural of omnicompetence.
OMNICOMPETENCE n. the state of being omnicompetent.
OVERMANAGEMENTSSorry, definition not available.
PNEUMONECTOMIESpneumonectomies n. Plural of pneumonectomy.
PNEUMONECTOMY n. the surgical removal of a lung.
RECOMMENCEMENTSrecommencements n. Plural of recommencement.
RECOMMENCEMENT n. a new beginning.
THERMOREMANENCEthermoremanence n. Thermoremanent magnetization.
THERMOREMANENCE n. the state of being thermoremanent.
UNDEREMPLOYMENTunderemployment n. The condition of being underemployed.
UNDEREMPLOYMENT n. the condition in which people in a labor force are employed at less than full-time or regular jobs or at jobs inadequate with respect to their training or economic needs.
UNRECOMMENDABLEunrecommendable adj. Not recommendable.
UNRECOMMENDABLE adj. not recommendable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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