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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing 3E, 2I, O and U

BIOEQUIVALENCESbioequivalences n. Plural of bioequivalence.
BIOLUMINESCENCEbioluminescence n. (Biology, biochemistry) The emission of light by a living organism (such as a firefly).
BIOLUMINESCENCE n. the emission of light from living organisms.
DELICIOUSNESSESdeliciousnesses n. Plural of deliciousness.
DELICIOUSNESS n. the state of being delicious.
DELIRIOUSNESSESDELIRIOUSNESS n. DELIRIOUS, mentally confused, esp. through fever or other illness.
DEREQUISITIONEDderequisitioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of derequisition.
DEREQUISITION v. to return (something that has been used for a military purpose) to civilian use.
DIOECIOUSNESSESDIOECIOUSNESS n. DIOECIOUS, having male and female sexual organs in different individuals, also DIECIOUS, DIOICOUS.
EXCREMENTITIOUSexcrementitious adj. Of or pertaining to the nature of excrement.
EXCREMENTITIOUS adj. relating to excrement.
EXPEDITIOUSNESSexpeditiousness n. The state of being expeditious; celerity, rapidity or speed.
EXPEDITIOUS n. characterized by or acting promptly and efficiently.
HOUSEWIFELINESShousewifeliness n. The quality of being housewifely.
HOUSEWIFEY adj. like a housewife, also HOUSEWIFELY.
IMPERIOUSNESSESimperiousnesses n. Plural of imperiousness.
IMPERIOUSNESS n. IMPERIOUS, assuming command; haughty.
INGENIOUSNESSESingeniousnesses n. Plural of ingeniousness.
INGENIOUSNESS n. the state of being ingenious.
INTERNUCLEOTIDEinternucleotide adj. Between nucleotides.
INTERNUCLEOTIDE adj. between nucleotides.
OVERCREDULITIESOVERCREDULITY n. the state of being overcredulous.
OVERINGENUITIESOVERINGENUITY n. the state of being overingenious.
RECREMENTITIOUSrecrementitious adj. Of or pertaining to recrement; consisting of recrement or dross.
RECREMENTITIOUS adj. of or like recrement, waste, dross, also RECREMENTITIAL.
RELIGIOUSNESSESreligiousnesses n. Plural of religiousness.
RELIGIOUSNESS n. the state of being religious.
REPETITIOUSNESSrepetitiousness n. The state of being repetitious.
REPETITIOUS n. characterized or marked by repetition.
RESURRECTIONISEresurrectionise v. Alternative form of resurrectionize.
RESURRECTIONISE v. to bring about resurrection, also RESURRECTIONIZE.
RESURRECTIONIZEresurrectionize v. (Transitive) To resurrect, or raise from the dead.
resurrectionize v. To remove a body from its grave (illegally, for dissection); to engage in bodysnatching.
RESURRECTIONIZE v. to bring about resurrection, also RESURRECTIONISE.
SEDITIOUSNESSESSEDITIOUSNESS n. the state of being seditious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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