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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 12 fifteen-letter words containing 4E, L and 2O

ELECTROPHORESEDelectrophoresed v. Simple past tense and past participle of electrophorese.
electrophoresed adj. Produced by, or subjected to electrophoresis.
ELECTROPHORESE v. to subject to electrophoresis.
ELECTROPHORESESelectrophoreses n. Plural of electrophoresis.
electrophoreses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of electrophorese.
ELECTROPHORESE v. to subject to electrophoresis.
ELECTRORECEPTORelectroreceptor n. A cell or organ responsible for electroreception.
ELECTRORECEPTOR n. an organ, present in some fishes, that detects electrical discharges.
GLUCONEOGENESESgluconeogeneses n. Plural of gluconeogenesis.
GLUCONEOGENESIS n. the conversion of non-carbohydrate substances, e.g. amino acids, into glucose, also GLYCONEOGENESIS.
GLYCONEOGENESESGLYCONEOGENESIS n. the conversion of non-carbohydrate substances, e.g. amino acids, into glucose, also GLUCONEOGENESIS.
HETEROGENEOUSLYheterogeneously adv. In a heterogeneous manner.
HETEROGENEOUS adv. consisting of dissimilar or diverse ingredients or constituents.
OMNIBENEVOLENCEomnibenevolence n. The state or condition of being omnibenevolent.
OMNIBENEVOLENCE n. universal good will.
OVERDEVELOPMENToverdevelopment n. Excessive development; the state or quality of being overdeveloped.
OVERDEVELOPMENT n. excessive development.
PERCHLOROETHENEPERCHLOROETHENE n. a chlorine-carbon compound widely used for the dry cleaning of fabrics.
TELESTEREOSCOPEtelestereoscope n. A binocular telescope used for producing a stereoscopic image of a distant object.
TELESTEREOSCOPE n. an instrument for viewing distant objects stereoscopically.
VIDEOTELEPHONESvideotelephones n. Plural of videotelephone.
VIDEOTELEPHONE n. a telephone with accompanying means of transmitting a picture of each speaker.
WHOLESOMENESSESwholesomenesses n. Plural of wholesomeness.
WHOLESOMENESS n. the state of being wholesome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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