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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing E, N, 2O, P, R and X

CLINOPYROXENESclinopyroxenes n. Plural of clinopyroxene.
CLINOPYROXENE n. a member of the pyroxene group of minerals having a monoclinic crystal structure, such as augite, diopside, or jadeite.
EXPECTORATIONSexpectorations n. Plural of expectoration.
EXPECTORATION n. the act of expectorating.
EXPLORATIONISTexplorationist n. A person employed to locate new sources of petroleum or other naturally-occurring resource.
EXPLORATIONIST n. a scientist engaged in mineral exploration.
EXPROPRIATIONSexpropriations n. Plural of expropriation.
EXPROPRIATION n. the act of expropriating.
EXTEMPORANEOUSextemporaneous adj. With inadequate preparation or without advance thought; offhand.
EXTEMPORANEOUS adj. unpremeditated; esp. of prayer, discourse, composition, etc., also EXTEMPORARY, EXTEMPORE.
EXTRAPOLATIONSextrapolations n. Plural of extrapolation.
EXTRAPOLATION n. the act of extrapolating.
EXTRAPOSITIONSextrapositions n. Plural of extraposition.
EXTRAPOSITION n. the act of extraposing.
HYDROXYPROLINEhydroxyproline n. (Biochemistry) A hydroxy derivative of the amino acid proline found in the structural proteins of connective tissue.
HYDROXYPROLINE n. an amino acid.
MORPHOSYNTAXESmorphosyntaxes n. Plural of morphosyntax.
MORPHOSYNTAX n. the study of the interaction of morphology and syntax.
NEPHROTOXICITYnephrotoxicity n. The state or condition of being nephrotoxic; toxicity that damages kidneys.
NEPHROTOXICITY n. the state of being nephrotoxic.
NONEXPLANATORYnonexplanatory adj. Not explanatory.
NONEXPLANATORY adj. not explanatory.
ORTHOPYROXENESorthopyroxenes n. Plural of orthopyroxene.
ORTHOPYROXENE n. a member of the pyroxene group of minerals having an orthorhombic crystal structure, such as enstatite and hypersthene.
OVEREXPANSIONSoverexpansions n. Plural of overexpansion.
OVEREXPANSION n. excessive expansion.
OVEREXPLOITINGoverexploiting v. Present participle of overexploit.
OVEREXPLOIT v. to exploit to excess.
PNEUMOTHORAXESpneumothoraxes n. Plural of pneumothorax.
PNEUMOTHORAX n. accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity.
PROPAROXYTONESproparoxytones n. Plural of proparoxytone.
PROPAROXYTONE n. in ancient Greek, a word having the acute accent on the third last syllable.
REEXPLORATIONSreexplorations n. Plural of reexploration.
REEXPORTATIONSreexportations n. Plural of reexportation.
REEXPORTATION n. the act of reexporting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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