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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing E, L, N, S, 2T and Z

CARTELIZATIONScartelizations n. Plural of cartelization.
CARTELIZATION n. the act of cartelizing, also CARTELISATION.
CONTEXTUALIZEScontextualizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of contextualize.
CONTEXTUALIZE v. to place in a context, also CONTEXTUALISE.
ELECTRIZATIONSelectrizations n. Plural of electrization.
ELECTRIZATION n. the act of electrifying, also ELECTRISATION.
FERTILIZATIONSfertilizations n. Plural of fertilization.
FERTILIZATION n. the process by which an egg is made capable of generating offspring, also FERTILISATION.
LEMMATIZATIONSlemmatizations n. Plural of lemmatization.
LEMMATIZATION n. the process of lemmatizing, also LEMMATISATION.
LUTEINIZATIONSluteinizations n. Plural of luteinization.
LUTEINIZATION n. the process of stimulation to the ovary, whereby ovulation occurs and a corpus luteum is formed, also LUTEINISATION.
METALLIZATIONSmetallizations n. Plural of metallization.
PALLETIZATIONSpalletizations n. Plural of palletization.
PALLETIZATION n. the act of palletizing, also PALLETISATION.
PELLETIZATIONSpelletizations n. Plural of pelletization.
PELLETIZATION n. the act of pelletizing, also PELLETISATION.
PLATITUDINIZESplatitudinizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of platitudinize.
PLATITUDINIZE v. to utter platitudes, also PLATITUDINISE.
REUTILIZATIONSreutilizations n. Plural of reutilization.
REUTILIZATION n. the process of reutilizing, also REUTILISATION.
SCLEROTIZATIONsclerotization n. Alternative spelling of sclerotisation.
SCLEROTIZATION n. the cross-linking of chitin protein molecules to harden an insect's shell, also SCLEROTISATION.
SENTIMENTALIZEsentimentalize v. (Transitive) To give a sentimental feel to.
sentimentalize v. (Intransitive) To think or act in a sentimental manner, or like a sentimentalist; to affect exquisite sensibility.
SENTIMENTALIZE v. to indulge in sentiment, also SENTIMENTALISE.
STERILIZATIONSsterilizations n. Plural of sterilization.
STERILIZATION n. the act of sterilizing, also STERILISATION.
SUBSTANTIALIZEsubstantialize v. To give something substance (actual existence).
SUBSTANTIALIZE v. to make substantial, also SUBSTANTIALISE.
TESTIMONIALIZEtestimonialize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To give testimony (of).
testimonialize v. (Transitive) To present with a testimonial.
TESTIMONIALIZE v. to present with a testimonial, also TESTIMONIALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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