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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing E, I, L, Q, R, S and T

DISEQUILIBRATEdisequilibrate v. (Transitive) To bring out of a state of equilibrium; to unbalance.
DISEQUILIBRATE v. to put out of balance.
EQUILIBRATIONSequilibrations n. Plural of equilibration.
EQUILIBRATION n. the act of equilibrating.
PECTORILOQUIESPECTORILOQUY n. the sound of a patient's voice as heard through a stethoscope.
QUADRILATERALSquadrilaterals n. Plural of quadrilateral.
QUADRILATERAL n. a polygon of four sides.
QUADRILITERALSquadriliterals n. Plural of quadriliteral.
QUADRILITERAL n. a word of four letters.
QUADRUPLICATESquadruplicates n. Plural of quadruplicate.
quadruplicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quadruplicate.
QUADRUPLICATE v. to make quadruple or fourfold.
QUASIPARTICLESquasiparticles n. Plural of quasiparticle.
QUASIPARTICLE n. a composite entity (as a vibration in a solid) that is analogous in its behavior to a single particle.
QUATREFEUILLESquatrefeuilles n. Plural of quatrefeuille.
QUATREFEUILLE n. a four-petalled flower or leaf of four leaflets; an openwork design or ornament divided by cusps into four lobes, also QUATREFOIL.
RELINQUISHMENTrelinquishment n. The act of relinquishing something.
RELINQUISHMENT n. the act of relinquishing.
TRANQUILLISERStranquillisers n. Plural of tranquilliser.
TRANQUILLISER n. a drug that has a tranquillising effect, also TRANQUILISER, TRANQUILIZER, TRANQUILLIZER.
TRANQUILLITIEStranquillities n. Plural of tranquillity.
TRANQUILLITY n. the state of being tranquil, also TRANQUILITY.
TRANQUILLIZERStranquillizers n. Plural of tranquillizer.
TRANQUILLIZER n. a drug that has a tranquillising effect, also TRANQUILISER, TRANQUILIZER, TRANQUILLISER.
TRANQUILNESSESTRANQUILNESS n. the state of being tranquil.
VENTRILOQUISEDventriloquised v. Simple past tense and past participle of ventriloquise.
VENTRILOQUISE v. to project the voice, also VENTRILOQUIZE.
VENTRILOQUISESventriloquises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ventriloquise.
VENTRILOQUISE v. to project the voice, also VENTRILOQUIZE.
VENTRILOQUISMSventriloquisms n. Plural of ventriloquism.
VENTRILOQUISM n. the production of the voice in such a way that the sound seems to come from a source other than the vocal organs of the speaker, also VENTRILOQUY.
VENTRILOQUISTSventriloquists n. Plural of ventriloquist.
VENTRILOQUIST n. one who uses or is skilled in ventriloquism.
VENTRILOQUIZESventriloquizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ventriloquize.
VENTRILOQUIZE v. to use ventriloquism, also VENTRILOQUISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 70 words
  • Scrabble in French: 105 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 89 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 35 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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